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Children Treatment Fund

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Providing kids with the treatments they need to return to a normal life

7-year old S. suffers from Charge Syndrome, putting his life at risk every day. His doctors recommend he begin an experimental treatment to avoid having to operate on his spine and inserting metal rods; a painful procedure that entails a long and painful rehabilitation.

6-year old A. has had his cancer removed from his adrenal glands and must now go through chemotherapy, radiation and a bone marrow transplant. These life-saving and urgent treatments are vital in order to keep him cancer-free.

5-year old M. has a rare auto-immune disease, where her body ‘attacks’ her brain. She needs daily neurological treatments to return her functioning to the level of a girl her age.

The Children Treatment Fund enables us to provide children with the treatments they need both to save their lives, and to return to (or to achieve) a normal life. Despite their disease, they only want to behave and be treated as other children their age.

  • Recurring monthly payment:

  • One-time payment:

  • Custom amount for one-time payment:

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